10 Questions to ask when building a case study or award entry

Client testimonials are a core element of a successful case study or award entry.

With them, event tech companies will be able to make a compelling case for the success of their product or service.

While testimonials should be genuine, straightforward, and provide an honest insight into how customers feel about your business, they can be hard to obtain from a client.

We've put together a list of questions we typically ask when interviewing our clients clients, to help tease out a real bit of gold that makes up a great case study or award entry.

Top tip before we get started: ask open-ended questions that allow them to provide insight into how they benefited from working with you.

Questions to ask to get a testimonial

  1. What challenge or problem led you to seek out our product/service?

  2. How did our product/service help you solve that challenge/problem?

  3. What specific benefits did you experience from using our product/service?

  4. Can you describe any outcomes or results you achieved from using our product/service?

  5. How would you describe your overall experience working with our company?

  6. Can you provide any specific examples or anecdotes that illustrate the value our team played in making "this" a success?

  7. How would you compare our product/service to others you have used?

  8. Would you recommend our product/service to others? If so, why?

  9. Is there anything else you would like to add about your experience working with us?

  10. Can we use your name and company name in the testimonial? <- Always ask for sign-off.

When you've captured as much insight as you can, you can build not only a great case study but some awesome testimonials that you can use for sharing on social. Much like this one from our client Katie, Group Head of Marketing at Explori.

"Working with Waves Connects, we knew that we'd be able to create high-quality and engaging copy quickly. As it turned out, our expectations were exceeded in just 24 hours"

Thanks Katie!


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