5 Tips for Black Friday

Not your traditional Black Friday deal here… no no no… as much as we’ll be working today like most of our clients, colleagues and friends across the globe, we still believe that a bit of outdoors time goes a long way.

Being outdoors does so much for our soul.

Getting away from computer screens, phones and every other part of technology really helps us connect with the world around us and embrace all that nature has to offer.

Whether you are hiking up a mountain, exploring a forest, or simply taking a brisk walk by the coast, being outdoors is rejuvenating and encourages us to open our eyes to new ways of thinking, new ideas, and new perspectives

The sights, sounds, and smells of nature are an amazing way to remind us of the beauty in this world and to stay focused on all that we have to be grateful for. So, take a moment to step away from your busy life and get outside - it will do wonders for both your body and your mind!

Waves Connects 5 Tips to get outside and away from computer screens

1) Make Time

Make time in your schedule to get outside. Whether you go for a quick walk around the block or set aside an entire day to hike a mountain, carving out time for outdoor activities can help you keep your mental and physical health in check - book that into your weekly calendly link!

2) Phone a Friend

Phone a friend, take a pal. It's easier to stay motivated when you have a friend by your side. Try grabbing a work buddy or local friend and going on an adventure together. You'll feel bad if you let them down and you'll be more likely to stick to your commitment!

3) Explore New Places

Explore new places and try new activities. Sticking with the same routine can get boring over time, so switch things up and try something new. Check out a local hiking trail (like AllTrails)or turn left instead of right when heading out your front door - there's no shortage of outdoor options.

4) Climb a tree

There's a lot to be said for getting up high and seeing the world from a new perspective - literally! Whether you hop in a tree house or climb to the top of a tall tree, the feeling of being above it all can be refreshing and make you feel a little bit more kid again.

5) Open Your Mind

Open your mind. Being outdoors naturally encourages us to slow down and focus on our surroundings. Take time to soak in your environment, go on an old fashioned treasure hunt. If you've got kids, you'll likely have done this a THOUSAND times with them before, but this time, do it for you. Have some fun.

Whether you're trying to get rid of stress, reconnect with nature, or simply find a new way to stay active, getting outside can do wonders for your mind and body. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your gear and get out there!


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