Are you getting outside this Red January?

As lots of us are returning to work and kids are being rushed off to school, taking part in Red January is a great way to look after your mental and physical well-being.

I've been supporting (or is that following?) Red January for a few years now and have been excited to see it continue to gain momentum across the UK and have found it a very useful reminder to get outside - even when the weather turns absolutely rubbish. There's no better feeling than peeling off cold wet clothes before a hot shower and then hiding under countless blankets and a watching a good movie to warm you up!

Red January is an initiative that encourages people to keep moving and active every day in the month of January, no matter the weather.

We've been busy building "potion" fires with the kids, running, walking and playing on the beach as we continue to get outside every day and, when your email list looks never ending on your first days back, it's a great way to remind yourself of what's important... you!

How Does Red January Work?

Red January is simple: each day for the entire month of January, participants commit to getting out for at least 30 minutes outside—no matter what the weather is like! That could mean taking a walk around the block or going on a bike ride with friends; it’s up to you. What matters is that you get out every day no matter what. This helps create a habit of healthy activity every single day; something that can be hard to do once things start to get busy again after the holidays.

With the cost of, well, everything increasing, if you're looking for a free and easy way to improve your mental and physical health this winter season, then consider giving Red January a try!

It's an incredibly simple initiative but one that can make a huge difference when it comes to improving your overall well-being.

I was very fortunate to interview Hannah, the founder of Red January last year (you can watch that here) and learnt a lot about the movement and what it stands for.

If you need some encouragement or a hand to get outside, give me a shout.

Download the helpful resources or calendar from Red January.


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