Audio Events on LinkedIn - is clubhouse back but better?

There is a visually silent revolution happening at LinkedIn and it comes in the form of Audio Events.

Remember Clubhouse? That thing lots of us jumped into (And suddenly there were SOOOO MANY EXPERTS) back in 2020, then it kind of fizzled out and stuck around in niches.

Well, LinkedIn has apparently taken it up a notch and is now offering its own version of Audio Events on the platform.

First off, let's clarify what exactly Audio Events are. These are essentially live audio conversations that can be broadcasted to LinkedIn followers or selected audiences. And to doubly clarify - this isn't new new - it's been around for a couple of years - but maybe its potential is being realised today.

As Céline Laukemann said in our session at LinkedIn HQ, "you no longer have to look at awkward bedroom backgrounds to webinar sessions."

PHEW, I can take blurr off my screen... but you could, for example, be walking around your house / office / boardroom / garden / trails of Machu Picchu (you get the picture) whilst entertaining and educating your audience.

So, is LinkedIn's version of Audio Events an improved version of Clubhouse? I honestly can't tell you that much yet as I haven't delivered one - just being honest - so I'll just wait for Celine to comment to tell us how it all went down. ;-)

What I CAN tell you, though, is the potential power it has being hosted on LinkedIn.


Ok, so quite simply, as your "event" taps into your professional network, you can easily target and connect with potential clients or collaborators. Not only that, you can reach a wider network than you thought imaginable - think 5x the reach of just posting your podcast on another platform, maybe - I'm waiting on some stats. Anyway, it's pretty simple - get one connection to share it and that's five more potential brand ambassadors for you. Boom, word of mouth works right?

So the "game-changer" isn't necessarily the number of attendees actively participating in the event (nor the technology itself), but rather the marketing prowess it commands. The reach—an often underestimated force—could multiply your audience, stretching beyond the confines of direct participants to cast a wider net of influence and...drum roll... a larger audience / eyes on your event.

Invite your audience to speak

So I'm told, you can invite your audience to participate in the conversation. I'd love to see how this works, reminiscing to the noise in clubhouse, but there's only one way to find out - I'll be hosting one soon, then we can try it out for real. Stay tuned to that one.

Don't forget to smile

One golden nugget of wisdom came from Celine of Aditus (ok, there were a few nuggets) who accentuated the power of a smile, especially when you’re just a voice in the ether.

Sans video, your smile becomes a pivotal tool that refines your tone, keeping listeners tuned in and preventing drop-offs. It’s subtle yet profound advice for anyone daring to dabble in audio events.

Training to engage your audience

Echoing similar sentiments, Dr. Baris Onay underscored the imperative to approach virtual events with the same finesse broadcasters apply to their craft.

These platforms are our relatively new stages, our modern TV, and treating them with anything less than the utmost professionalism belittles both the content and the audience.

It’s clear that hosting a successful online event transcends the mere setup; it’s about embodying the enthusiasm, dynamism, and presence that one would in a physical setting. It begs for those steering the virtual wheel to take a leaf from the book of radio presenters, learning how to weave excitement into narration, engage listeners, and seamlessly maintain the flow.

Smile like you mean it, they say, and it resonates even when unseen. It’s that personal touch, the inflection in your voice—it can make all the difference.

Wrap-up thoughts

LinkedIn's audio events tap into a demand for more accessible, less formal, yet impactful means of professional engagement. Whether you're the architect of these events or a participant, the bar could be set high, but so is the potential to leave a lasting impression, one where your reach can be amplified and your impact, optimised.

Remember, in the digital chorus of today's world, your voice could be the next to echo and inspire professionals across the globe - it could certainly be the one to drive registrations to your next event.

It’s not just about being heard; it’s about resonating in the silence, the power of a smile, and transforming a simple broadcast into an experience.

That is the essence of genuinely connecting in this virtual ecosystem.

So, when's the live audio event coming you ask? Stay tuned, I'm waiting for some guests to confirm ;)

LinkedIn Audio Event

If you want to find out how to set one up yourself - head over to the LInkedIn help guide here.


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