Event Video Translation

We've said it time and time again, we love to play.

Not just outdoors, but we give ourselves time to try new technology, new features, new ways of doing things. Partially it's for our own learning, but it's also to see how these technologies could be used for our clients.

So imagine our excitement when one of our video apps updated a whole new translation tool and you know what (based on what people have told us) the translations are bang on too.

Check it out here.

Event content translations - reach new audiences

Does this bring in a new era for content that could truly appeal to any audience anywhere in the world?

The potential for these new video translation tools in events and content creation is immense.

With its accuracy and ease of use, it opens up a whole new realm of possibilities for reaching global event audiences - no longer will language barriers limit the reach of your message.

Imagine sending a message to a prospect exhibiting company, but in their natural language. No need for costly translation services or relying on someone who speaks the language to translate - although, you should check the translation of your content with a professional - you do not want to be sending offensive videos to anyone.

This new tool allows for direct and accurate communication, breaking down barriers and creating a more inclusive and diverse event experience.

With the advancements in voice recognition technology, live translations of presentations and speeches can also become a reality - it's happening on some events already, for example with use of tools like Interprefy which provides live translation services for events and having used it at a few events we've hosted over the years - its extremely accurate.

But for marketing purposes, when you need to get your message across to a global audience, this new video translation tool can be a game changer - the potential reach of your event content increases exponentially with tools like HeyGen

There are many potential applications for use in the events industry with this tech - we're testing them out now to see how they could help market your events - we'll share use cases shortly.

So what about you - have you had a play with some of this new AI tech yet?



The Coexistence of Technology and Tradition in Events