Happy AI’ing

I hosted a session yesterday at Confex with event industry experts Abi Cannons and Ade Allenby around the subject of AI in events.

We discussed topics such as how is and how could AI be used in events today, how can it support you in marketing or content creation (top tip, it's all about the quality) as well as the potential pitfalls or certain things to watch out for if you rely too heavily on AI - you don't want to lose serendipity!

We also touched on the importance of using data effectively and how understanding it first can help you make better decisions, regardless of how you utilize AI.

There were some great questions from the audience in relation to personalization, audience targeting and also looking at business insight and analytics for events utilizing AI, which we'll cover in a future article.

Ade said of the session: “The benefit of AI in events is speed to value. Whether it is finding matches of people to meet, helping you find your next meeting with indoor navigation, or giving your show team content tools to help acquisition and fulfilment. AI tools help you do it better and faster.

“I urge all my industry colleagues to get to know the tools we’ve discussed as it will be a game changer in the experiences you can create and the quality of delivery you can achieve”.

AI Tools for Events

Below are some of the AI tools we mentioned in our session yesterday. Are there others you have been using? Add them in the comments below and let us know how they've helped you with your events.

Beautiful AI - Create amazing presentations

Grip.Events - event networking and matchmaking

Jasper AI - create amazing content, easily

Synthesia - create videos from text in minutes

Neural text - an AI writing assistant

Fireflies - Automate your meeting notes

Zenus - ethical facial analysis used in events

DALL-E - if you haven't used this realistic image generator yet - have some fun!

Crowd Connected - event mapping technology

Grammarly - the best tool I've used to check on grammar, sentence structure as well as plagiarism checker.

Otter.ai - upload a video or audio file to generate a transcription.

Deapbeat - becuase we all need some AI rap lyrics in our events

Brain.FM - Generates music to help you focus - personalised to you!

Originality AI - plagiarism checker

Notion.so - a single space to write, think, plan - with the added bonus of AI

There are many many many use cases for AI and how it can help enhance your event experiences or operations, yesterday we only touched the tip of the iceberg.

If you have any questions about our session, please feel free to reach out to myself or Ade and Abi on LinkedIn.

Happy Ai'ing (is that a word? Let me go ask a bot)! :)


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