How to articulate the value of event tech

From live streaming services to virtual reality experiences, from digital badges to matchmaking technology, event technology solutions are revolutionizing the way we host and experience events.

Despite these advancements, one challenge persists: how do we articulate the value of event technology to clients, attendees, and stakeholders? How do we increase adoption? And how do we measure success?

Understanding the value of event tech

Before we can articulate the value of event technology, we must first understand what it is and why it matters. Event technology refers to any digital tool or platform that enhances the planning, execution, or experience of an event.

It encompasses a wide range of solutions, from registration and ticketing systems to engagement and networking apps.

The value of event technology lies in its ability to streamline processes, enhance engagement, and gather valuable data.

By automating repetitive tasks and providing real-time insights, event technology improves efficiency and productivity for both event organizers and attendees.

Tools and techniques to articulate event tech value

To overcome the challenge of communicating the benefits of event technology to event organizers, it's important to have a well-crafted strategy.

Here are some helpful tools, techniques, and best practices to effectively communicate the value of event technology:

Case Studies and Success Stories

One of the most effective ways to articulate event tech value is through case studies and success stories. These offer real-world examples of how technology has enhanced events and delivered tangible results. When presenting these stories, focus on the outcomes - increased attendee engagement, improved event logistics, or boosted return on investment. You can read more benefits to creating case studies for your products on our 2023 blog The Value of Creating Case Studies Studies .

Use engaging and informative language

When articulating event tech value, it's important to use language that is engaging and easy to understand.

Humanise your event technology terms.

Avoid jargon and focus on the benefits of the technology. Remember, you're not just selling a product; you're selling an experience or a product that will enhance an attendee experience.

Stay updated with event planning trends

Keeping up-to-date with the latest event planning tech trends is not just important so you can continually feedback to your product team to continually enhance your solutions, but also to ensure you know what’s out there and even more importantly, to be kept abreast of organiser pains, which will help you articulate how your technology aligns with these developments and why its beneficial for your clients events.

Heading to Event Tech Live would be a great start, as we've found it to have the latest and greatest of event technology solutions. You can find more information about the London edition at Event Tech Live's official website.

Personalize Your Message

Different stakeholders have different needs and interests. Personalize your message to meet the specific needs of your audience. For example, event organizers might be interested in how technology can streamline the planning process, while sponsors might want to know how it can maximize their visibility.

You should break this down even further by really focusing in on your individual client personas. What do we mean by that?

It's likely that you'll have multiple stakeholders involved with every event you work on such as operations, marketing, sales and event directors. Write a list of each person’s key interests when it comes to event technology, what are their pain points and importantly, what are their gain points that they could benefit from if they have the right solution.

Emphasize the benefits, not just features

While features are important, focusing solely on them can be overwhelming for clients and stakeholders as they may likely feel like they've heard it all before.

Instead, emphasize the benefits of your event technology - how it solves problems, meets needs, and delivers results.

This approach will help your audience connect the features to real-world value, making it easier for them to see the benefits of adopting event technology.

Highlight the organizers gains

Understand how your product or service fits and then tailor your pitch to suit them. It doesn't mean you have to have 100 personalised pitches (though if you can, that'd be a bonus) but it does mean you can gear your content and messaging to suit each key target audience.

Gain points could include cost savings, increased efficiency, or improved attendee satisfaction.

Use data and analytics to showcase how your technology has delivered measurable results in the past. This will not only demonstrate its value but also provide evidence that it is a worthwhile investment.

Educate through webinars and workshops

Hosting webinars and workshops focused on event technology can be a great way to educate potential clients and stakeholders on its value. These sessions can include demos, case studies, and interactive discussions.

By providing hands-on experience with the technology, you can effectively showcase its potential and address any questions or concerns your audience may have.

Where possible, use analytics and data

As mentioned earlier, using data and analytics can be a powerful tool in articulating event tech value.

By collecting and analyzing data from past events, you can showcase the tangible benefits that your technology has delivered. This not only provides evidence for your claims but also helps build trust with potential clients as they will likely know the events delivered and can picture how your technology played a part in its success.

The Importance of Articulating Event Tech Value

Articulating the value of event technology is a critical component of event organising.

It helps stakeholders understand why they should invest in your technology and how it can enhance their events. By effectively communicating the value of event tech, you can not only boost your sales but also help your clients host successful and memorable events.

Articulating the value of event tech requires a well-crafted strategy, a clear understanding of your audience's needs, and the ability to effectively communicate the benefits of your technology. By adapting your strategy to include these tips and techniques, you'll be well-equipped to articulate event tech value and make a lasting impression on your clients.

Positive feedback from your clients, as well as seeing tangible business results from your technology, are your primary gain points.

Will we see you at Event Tech Live next week? Drop by, say hello, we'll be on the main stage of #ETLLondon23 hosting some pretty awesome conversations.


Ask the right questions - a guide to facilitating effective roundtable discussions


Matt Coyne Returns as Host at ETL23