It’s time to get outside

We all know that feeling. You sit down at your desk, open up your laptop, and stare at the screen for what feels like hours. I did it this morning.

I'm working on an article for a client and the cursor started blinking at me mockingly. I try to think of something—anything—but my mind is blank.

ARGGGGH how annoying is that?!!

It might be time to get outside.

Yes, really.

I shut the screen, walked out the door, and got away from my desk which may seem counterintuitive but getting away from my desk actually helps me to be more productive. And not just in the traditional sense of taking a break to clear your head. I’m talking about doing things away from the desk that will help you break free from the constraints of web meetings and creative block.

For me, fresh air has always been a huge source of inspiration. There’s something about being in the great outdoors that makes it easier to think more freely and come up with new ideas. Maybe it’s the wide open spaces or the sounds of the birds chirping (although I think they were chirping because it was flipping freezing this morning). Whatever it is, it works for me.

How do you jump-start your creativity when you're feeling a bit stuck? Comment on our Linkedin Post with what helps you become unstuck.


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