Does industry experience matter?

When creating content for your customers and prospects, it is important to make sure that your content is written by someone who has a deep understanding of the industry you are writing for.

"We’ve had fantastic engagement stats for our content. I believe that is a result of having Matt who has over two decades of experience in the events industry," said Hew Leith, VP of Marketing, Grip. "Thanks to his expertise, we've been able to produce content that resonates with our target audience and provides real value."

If you want to read our 2023 content case study of our work delivering engaging content for Grip, click here.

In this blog post, we look at why having industry experience is crucial when creating content for your exhibition customers and prospects and how it can help establish further authority for your event brand.

1. Industry Knowledge Provides Unique Insights

When someone has been working in the industry for a long time, they've seen it all.

They know what works, what doesn't, and what challenges or pain points their clients might be experiencing from visitors to exhibitors, sponsors and speakers. This knowledge allows them to create content that is truly unique and insightful, providing the reader with value that they might not be able to find anywhere else and certainly not something AI can self-generate (yet).

When creating content for your customers, you want to make sure that you're providing them with something that they can't find elsewhere or with a unique angle, so having someone with industry experience on your team can make all the difference.

2. Understanding Your Customer's Needs

In addition to having industry knowledge, a person with experience in the field has a clear understanding of their customer's needs.

They know what their customers are looking for and what kind of content would be most helpful for them. This understanding allows them to write content tailored to their customer's specific needs, providing solutions to their problems. When your customers see that you understand their needs and provide valuable solutions, it establishes further authority for your brand.

3. Building Credibility with Your Audience

When you have someone with industry experience creating content for your event brand, it can of course help you build credibility with your audience.

Your customers are smart, and they can tell when someone is just regurgitating information they found on the internet or using the latest AI content tool to generate it itself.

Having a domain expert on your team shows your customers that you take your business seriously and that you're an authority in your space. This, in turn, can lead to increased trust and loyalty from your audience.

4. Providing Relevant and Useful Information

 Creating content that is relevant and useful to your audience is key to building a strong brand.

You want to create content that is not only relevant but also useful to your audience. These domain experts can provide them tips, insights, and strategies that are directly applicable to your audiences businesses.

When your customers see that you're providing them with content that is truly helpful, it builds trust and establishes you as an authority in your space.

5. Creating a Competitive Advantage

In today's crowded marketplace, it's more important than ever to stand out from the competition.

By creating content that is truly unique, insightful and helpful, you can set yourself apart from the competition and establish yourself as the go-to resource in your industry.

Need an event industry expert copywriter?

Having industry experience when creating content for your customers provides unique insights, helps you understand your customer's needs, builds credibility with your audience, provides relevant and useful information, and creates a competitive advantage.

If you want to establish further authority for your brand and stand out from the competition, you need to make sure you have someone with industry experience creating your content.

Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you create content that resonates with your target audiences. At Waves Connects we have over 20 years of experience working through the supplier chain of events, so understand customers both big and small and are ready to help you make waves with your content.


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