5 Powerfully effective ways to market a product, with content.

In a crowded marketplace, getting your products in front of prospective event organizers and event planners can be tough. With everyone talking about similar subjects in, for example, virtual events or virtual event platforms, if you add yours to the list, it could just be seen as extra noise.

How do you get your eventtech products to stand out?

A solid product marketing plan can help. It's not the only thing of course, but it is an essential part of any effective content strategy and can help you to reach new customers when you market your product.

In this post, we'll explore some tips for a content marketing campaign that will help you get your #eventtech products out in front of the people who need and want them most.

Get to Know Your Audience

Before you can create content that resonates with your target audience, you need to understand who they are and what matters to them. This can be achieved through a number of ways including customer surveys, interviews, focus groups, and other market research.

This bit is hard, but try to focus in on exactly who you are trying to target. Is it an agency account executive or a chief marketing officer or even the chief technology officer? Maybe it's someone more junior or senior... If you can, list the companies and the names of those you are trying to attract.

You can then start to really understand their pain points and how your product or service may be able to help them.

Create Relevant, High-Quality Content

Once you have a good understanding of your target audience, you can tailor the content specifically for them and make sure it speaks directly to their needs and interests. 

Focus on creating a content plan that is relevant, valuable, informative, and helpful.

This content should be tailored to the specific needs or pains of your target audience, but may also help dictate what you are producing. Is there any point in creating TikTok content if your prospects aren't there? If you know they are time poor, create short, impactful content to grab their attention to want to find out more.

If you are helpful in your content, if you're not self-promoting, and you're actually offering content that is well-written, valuable, and relevant to your target audience, it can go a long way in building trust and credibility with them.

In addition to content that is relevant, make sure your content is high quality. This means writing content that is well-written, free from grammatical errors and typos, and easy to understand - no unnecessary jargon here.

Leverage Multiple Platforms

Content marketing isn’t limited to just one platform; it can be used on multiple platforms such as blogs, podcasts, videos, social media channels, and speaking opportunities.

Each platform provides an opportunity for different types of content such as long-form articles or short snippets of information that are easy to digest quickly. LinkedIn's carousel feature for example, is an easy way to get simple messages across to "scrollers".

You don't need to use every platform. Back to our earlier point, before you commit to every channel available, think about your target audience and where they spend their time online, so that you focus your time on those specific platforms too.

Once you know which platforms you are using, make sure you create or design your posts to be suitable to that platform whilst keeping a consistency to your brand style and voice.

Use Multiple Formats

When creating content it’s important to vary the format so that the material remains fresh and interesting for your readers/listeners/viewers. Try using infographics, slideshows, videos, or podcasts in addition to written articles or blog posts. This will keep the material engaging while also providing valuable information about your product or service in an interesting way. 

Don't forget to utilize email marketing with your content too - everything can be broken down into bite-sized pieces of useful content shared across all social media channels.

If you're on a budget and aren't able to commit the spend to a marketing or design agency, let Canva be your friend. With tonnes of templates to choose from, you can build out campaigns with a consistent look and feel, easily to play to your new product strategy.

Connect With Influencers

I talked about using influencers in marketing on my 2022 blog Attracting the next eventprofs generation.

Using influencers can be a great way to reach a larger audience and increase the visibility of your product or service while also building relationships with people who have influence over potential customers.

Whilst you have built your ideal customer profile, you should look to adding key industry influencers who could benefit from your product / service but be fair. They likely won't promote you for free, so make sure they either get a deal or there's another incentive for them to be using your products and promoting it across their platforms.

Don't stop at product placement with influencers, however. If you are building a podcast as a form of content generation for your event technology product or virtual events platform, for example, invite key professionals on as guests. Not only will you be able to dive into a great conversation, but you may also be creating helpful content by sharing your top tips or advice in certain areas.

Create A Community Around Your Product Or Service

Hmmmm, it wouldn't be an event article without the word community in it, now would it?

But.. bear with me.

When you look at a lot of mainstream platforms such as SurferSEO or Jasper, for example, their Facebook communities are thriving with the existing customers sharing their top tips, and experiences and are there to offer support when a user puts out a post for help.

Establishing a community around your product, service, or business helps build loyalty among current customers while also drawing in new ones through word-of-mouth marketing – one of the most powerful forms of marketing there is!

Offer exclusive content, first releases, or host events or webinars with release information or "top tips" for this engaged audience, and you'll be able to build a content marketing strategy that works, enthuses, and excites your clients and prospective customers.

Marketing Strategy Bonus Tip - Engage Your Team

It's often forgetting about, but when building out your campaign, don't forget to promote your product to your business too! Your team should be your greatest advocates in helping build brand awareness and engaging your company is a cost-effective way to reach potential customers.

This should be one of the many ways to promote your content and product. Engage with your team on social media and content platforms, as well as through internal communications, to help make sure that the content you create is seen by other members of your community as well as begin to boost your search engine marketing, as you ask them to start generating blogs around your content topics.

Boost your event supplier content marketing

Content marketing is a powerful way to reach potential customers while establishing relationships with existing ones at the same time. By following these five tips – getting to know your audience; leveraging multiple platforms; using multiple formats; connecting with influencers; creating a community around your product or service – you’ll be able to set yourself apart from competitors and increase interaction and sales by delivering quality content that adds value.

It takes time but if done right you’ll reap the rewards!

Need help with your content strategy, drop us a line.


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