AI in Events

Kai Hattendorf created an exhibition Christmas carol with it. Kelvin Newman figured out how to run an SEO conference and Adam Parry created a new profile picture with it.

In case you missed it, artificial intelligence is all the rage right now...

Myself and Abi Cannons, Panos Moutafis, and James Swingland dicussesed many of the topics and questions people are asking about AI today, at our session at Event Tech Live London 2022. (I've put the link to the video in the comments).

So what do you think?

Is AI a blessing or a curse?

What can't AI do?

AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work. But what exactly is AI, and why is it suddenly such a hot topic? Let's take a closer look. (by the way, this was written with the support of artificial intelligence).

What is AI?

In its simplest form, artificial intelligence is a computer program that can learn and adapt over time. AI does not learn entirely on its own, however; humans need to input data sets and objectives for the machine in order for it to learn. The more interaction an AI has, the more it learns about preferences (such as tone of voice or style of writing).

AI is often used for repetitive tasks that are time-consuming or difficult for humans to do or that we have the capacity to do. For example, many customer service representatives now use chatbots powered by AI to handle basic inquiries from customers. This frees up the customer service reps to handle more complex issues while also providing a better experience for the customer since they get a quick answer to their question without having to wait on hold.

Why is AI suddenly such a big deal?

AI has been around for quite some time, but it has only recently begun to gain traction in the business world. One of the main reasons for why AI is suddenly such a big deal is because of the massive amounts of data that are now available - and platforms are becoming more available to everyone.

In order for an AI program to learn and improve over time, it needs data—lots and lots of data. Thanks to the proliferation of smart devices and the Internet of Things, organizations now have access to more data than ever before. This big data can be used to train and improve AI programs so that they can become even more effective over time.

A sci-fi movie come to life

AI might seem like something out of a sci-fi movie, it's quickly becoming a staple in businesses across industries—so if you're not already using AI in your business, now is the time to start playing.

The output, is only as good as the input

Whether you're training an AI to optimise a sales funnel or write better blog posts, make sure that the data sets you are using are high-quality and relevant. And be prepared to spend some time (and money!) on testing and optimizing your AI programs so that they can deliver the best results possible.

It's not completely replacing people

AI isn't replacing people, it's helping us do our jobs more effectively and efficiently. While it can be tempting to think of AI as a threat, the truth is that human creativity, intuition and problem-solving skills are still extremely valuable in today's world. In events, we often talk about the value of human connection, and that is no different when it comes to AI. Embracing and integrating new technologies into our work can be challenging, but the opportunities they offer are endless.

Don't believe the facts

When writing, for example, whilst you can put a few inputs to create a framework for an article, for example, you cannot trust the facts that are returned to you. It is important to always fact-check what you read through a reliable source, and be wary of any AI that claims to have all the answers. Instead, use AI as a tool for gathering information and help make your work more efficient - but always keep an eye out for errors or inaccuracies!

In summary...

  • AI can help you do your job more effectively and efficiently

  • AI can automate repetitive tasks, saving you time

  • AI can help you make better decisions with data-driven insights

  • With the rise of "big data", AI is becoming more powerful than ever before

  • Human creativity, intuition and problem-solving skills are still valuable in today's world

While it may seem like AI is taking over, it is important to remember that it is simply a tool for helping us do our jobs more effectively. Whether you're a writer, marketer, sales professional or business owner, AI has the potential to make your work easier and more efficient - but only if used correctly.

Keep an open mind, embrace new technologies, and leverage the power of AI for your next event.

Want help writing your content with AI? Drop us a line.


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