A Glance Into the Future: What Will the Events Industry Look Like in 2023

It's hard to believe that we're already well into the 2020s. Where does the time go? As everyone is starting to look ahead, wondering what the events industry will look like, I pen my (amusing) thoughts, to save you the hassle.

You don't have to say thank you, but you’re welcome 😉

Let’s start with event formats…

Deepless Events

Events that are truly immersive, meaningless and deeply disturbingly awful. We will see a lot more of these through 2023 as everyone claims to be experts in meta as they force a headset over your furrowed brow.

Event Club Nights

Traditional events will disappear. Every event will turn into a concert or rave because, well, we all agree that’s where the best networking takes place anyway right?

Ghost Towns

This one is real and scares me a little… In 2023 more people will be working remotely and more businesses will offer complete work from home solutions or employees will be demanding it. Retail in the physical space is in continual decline, and with less "office workers" in town, what will become of our city centres?

Hybrid Events

Woah there, that sounds a little serious? In our future, things are never exactly what you expect them to be so in reality for 2023, event professionals will have to get creative and think "outside the box" (if you're playing events lingo bingo, you'd score big in this blog post) if they want their events to stand out amidst the noise.

#eventtech trends that will revolutionise… everything.

Robot Wars

In 2023, we will see the rise of the robot.

Have you seen the latest news from San Francisco? Yep, RoboCop is coming... and the bots will take over in 2023. Machines will talk to machines, AI will match AI with, another AI. Articles will be written by bots and bots will leave comments. There will be no human connection, it will all be wireless. You can press a couple of commands on your keyboard and hey presto, we’ll be hearing comments like this across every virtual office in the country “Boss, look at these leads I just made…”

No more venues

Who needs a physical venue in 2023? That’s right, no one. Everything will be virtual, allowing companies and organizations to host events anywhere in the world, with office teams dropping in and out of chats at any time, without additional WiFi costs.

Virtually in-person

The greatest challenge for event organisers today is convincing us to leave our homes… well worry no more. Yep, you read that right. We’re all going to be showing our faces on portable iPads so you don’t have to leave the comfort of your own home. Keep those PJ’s on and your comfy slippers near by as 2023 will be the year of virtually meeting everyone in-person…

Real sustainable travel

No more long polluting flights or painful multiple car and train journeys. In 2023, we will be able to teleport ourselves anywhere in the world. Finally, we'll be able to attend all of those events we've always wanted to go to but never could because they were too far away and will save a few forests in the process.

Being serious for a brief moment, as time goes on, we can expect to see even more changes to our ever evolving events industry — some of which we may not be able to even imagine today - and I'm excited for our future!

BTW, it’s ok to have a little fun with your content.

If you want to really know what’s next for events, watch the 2022 Session from Event Tech Live.


AI in Events


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