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Keeping up appearances

My last blog of the week this month is a personal one.Keeping up appearances

No, I'm not going to write an overview of the classic TV sitcom featuring Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced bouquet for those not in the know), but rather talk about how important it is to keep your face visible through the industry.I met with some really great old industry friends, clients and partners this week.

These are all connections I've made at some point in my event life through face-to-face, before we had any virtual worlds to chat properly through and definitely before any in-app meetings were readily available.

This morning I woke to see a highly regarded #eventtech company that is sadly having to let go of a number of its employees. It brings a tear to my eye.

There are some truly amazing people now on the market looking for work and I had a bit of a flashback to the summer of 2020 when so many of my friends, colleagues and peers were suddenly "in the market," looking for work.

So my blog today is a personal one.

If you can offer any advice, share any opportunities or simply provide a kind word of comfort to those now job hunting, please do.

If you can help some awesome people in our industry by sharing to your own connections, that would be incredible.For those that are looking for work, don't be shy about messaging everyone you know and ask if they know of any opportunities available - if not for you, it may just help one of your colleagues instead, but either way, I'm sure you'd be pleasantly surprised at the support you could receive.

It also reminds me of the importance of keeping your face visible in our industry even when you're employed. We never know what's around the corner, so always try to keep up appearances so your face is showing, your voice is heard and perhaps the next useful introduction is already thinking of you.

For any of those affected at our pals Glisser today, if you want a hand crafting some copy to get you noticed, slide into my DM's and I'll do my best to help.

Stay visible.



The Copy Crusader


Getting stuck with words