The Copy Crusader

For my latest blog, of blog a day in January, we decided to have a little fun and play out a real-life event marketing conundrum.

Marketing Marvel was in a tight spot.

As the event marketing person responsible for organizing a blockbuster event, they had to juggle 100 things and it seemed like there weren't enough hours in the day.

On top of booking speakers and planning the agenda, they still had to write copy - engaging copy that would draw people to sign up for their big event.

There was no time

With no time to think creatively or put thoughts to paper, Marketing Marvel was feeling overwhelmed.

They needed help fast.

They knew there must be a solution out there somewhere, so they took to the internet looking for someone that could help them in their time of need and after a bit of searching, they found their content superhero.

The Copy Crusader

Copy Crusader "He has the superpowers of writing, editing, and creating engaging content in the blink of an eye!"

This is just what they needed. Copy Crusader came loaded with ideas, enthusiasm and a plan for getting these speaker sessions, articles, tweets, and LinkedIn posts out quickly and to brand.

Before they finished talking, he got to work and before long had generated an avalanche of content that generated interest in the event leading to an influx of registrations.

A powerful partnership

Thanks to The Copy Crusader's help, Marketing Marvel pulled off the biggest event ever, won loads of awards and was promoted to a higher position in the company.

Marketing Marvel was grateful to have found Copy Crusader, as he made their job of creating content for their event much easier and worry-free.

And they both lived happily ever after… The End!

Do you need help rescuing your event content plan?

Whilst it's clear we're not graphic designers, the scenario is real - teams don't have time to continually create engaging copy for their events.

We can help. Drop us a line if you need rescuing with your content.


Standing out from the crowd


Can you help?