Doing More with Less Content in 2023 and Beyond

2022 was the year of “more is more” - packing as much content, messaging and visuals into event campaigns as possible. But 2023 will have a different standard for event success: “less is more.”

That means doing more with less content. If you want to be ahead of the game, you need to start planning now. Here's what you need to know about creating content that packs a punch while using minimal resources.

We also know that event marketing teams are already stretched to their limits. So how can you create effective event marketing campaigns that still stand out from the crowd?

Here are some tips to help you get started.

Less is More - Writing Concisely

The key to effective content writing lies in being able to create powerful messages without relying on long-winded explanations or vague descriptions.

You don't need an encyclopedia-length article to get your point across; instead, focus on concise, clear writing that speaks directly to your audience. Just think about it like this - if you can deliver your message in fewer words, then why not do so? Every word should mean something and lead directly back to your main point.

Focus on Quality Content Rather Than Quantity

In order to make the most of limited content resources, it's important to focus on quality over quantity. This means making sure that each piece of content you produce is well-written and informative, rather than simply churning out lots of subpar work just for the sake of having something to show for your event marketing efforts.

Quality over quantity also applies when it comes to visuals – choose high-resolution images that look professional and polished rather than just grabbing any old photo off the internet.

Utilize Multiple Platforms & Channels For Maximum Reach

Rather than relying solely on one platform or channel for content distribution, take advantage of all the tools at your disposal. Utilize multiple platforms such as blogs, social media channels, email lists etc., so that you can reach a broader audience with minimal effort.

Additionally, repurposing existing content across multiple platforms can help make the most out of limited resources – e.g., turning blog articles into podcast episodes or video tutorials – thus allowing you to reach more people without having to create new material from scratch every time. This is something we're going to talk a LOT about in 2023, so stay tuned to our conference session going live at International Confex soon.

OR, focus on one platform and do it really really well

Ok, so playing my own devil's advocate here, there is another strategy that you can use to make the most out of your content in 2023, and that is to focus on just one platform and do it really well.

If you have a limited resources and limited human power, rather than diluting your efforts across several platforms, choose one that works best for your audience - whether it's social media, email marketing, webinars, etc. and hyper-focus on that. You can read our 2022 Article on How to create time crunched content for inspiration.

By putting all of your energy into one platform, you'll be able to produce high-quality content that really resonates with your audience and really delivers results. And remember - content needs to be consistent in order to be effective, so make sure you have a plan in place for regularly producing quality content that engages your audience

As we move into 2023 and beyond, we all could learn how to do more with less content, and whether you're working in event marketing or another industry, the key to success is to find innovative and cost-effective ways to create quality content that really connects with your audience.

So start thinking about how you can make the most of limited resources, and get ready to take your event marketing content game up a notch in 2023!

We hope you have a great start to the new year and if you need help wiht your event marketing content in 2023, let me know.


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