Fuel your imagination

Unlocking Creativity: This week I try something new

My blog to end the week is a little bit different than the normal event or copywriting stuff I write, but I'm sure I'll be able to relate it back to what I do for a living, so bear with ;-)

I've started forest school this term at my kid's school and this morning was my first session.

Those that know me well know I love the outdoors and I love playing with kids - I've always been a big kid at heart! I love getting outside, getting muddy, having fun and in this instance, helping kids open their eyes, literally and figuratively, to the wonders of the great outdoors.

Aha - I've also figured out how to relate this to my work in events - read on ;)

Explore the world around you

These sessions have been great for them to explore and learn about their environment, the wildlife and habitats that exist in it and the importance of conservation even on a small scale.

Today we were out on a "treetop walk" (this was a really fun activity with mirrors - if you want to know more, drop me a DM), we hugged trees though not in a tree-hugger sense of the word, more helping them explore the environment around them, blindfolded and lead by their little buddies, feeling the bark and leaves of the trees around them and widening their senses to the environment.

It was magical, it was inspiring and it made me think about how important it is for all of us (children or adults) to get outside. I bang on about this a LOT and I used to apologise for that, but with how much I hear from industry friends about the long hours we all do and such - we need to also remind ourselves to get outside.

For the kids, learning outdoors is a great approach to encourage our natural curiosity, as well as physical and emotional development. It helps encourage them to learn at their own pace, discover the environment around them and understand the world a little more. For us as adults, it can help us become more mindful of everyday situations and appreciate our surroundings.

And here's where I link in the events industry we work in and the great outdoors...

How Getting Outdoors Can Help Fuel Your Imagination

There's a tonne of benefits to being outside and I'll no doubt be writing more about that this year, not just for our physical and mental health but also for our creativity. As mentioned above, opening our eyes to new experiences can help fuel our own imaginations about different ways to do things. These little moments can spark new ideas and bring even more creativity to our lives and work.

So my challenge for you this next week is to get outside! Whether it's a walk on your lunch break or a muddy stomp on the weekend - just go out there and enjoy some sunshine (or as we're more accustomed to in the UK, a gale and some rain ;)


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