I’ve got FOMO…boo

The fear of missing out

Someone tweeted the other day about the fear of missing out (FOMO) being one of the most popular tactics or tools in the box for event marketers in 2023.

It’s easy to understand why: FOMO creates a sense of excitement, urgency and exclusivity among potential event goers. When used properly, it can be an effective way to encourage people to buy tickets or register for an event quickly.

But... I don't know if event marketing teams "need" to use the tactic themselves... I had fomo from pals visiting ExpoExpo in the US before Christmas and have got it again as my EWD fam flies in from various states and countries into Columbus Ohio this week for PCMA Convening Leaders 2023.

I first spoke at this event back in 2016 I think it was and have always highly regarded it as a great event to not only network, but to learn, so am gutted to not be there in '23.

I know we'll be seeing some great updates from pals that have all travelled there, but it had me thinking about this tweet and FOMO (really sorry for whoever tweeted it - I can't find your comment - shout if it was you!), how much influence does an event marketing team really have on generating FOMO?

For me, it's about my pals being there and I'm not - is that enough? Or is there something else?

Understanding FOMO

FOMO starts with understanding the target audience’s wants and needs. To create a FOMO effect, an event must offer a unique experience that speaks to the audience’s interests and desires.

FOMO also relies on effective communication: messaging should be creative, timely, and engaging in order to spark interest and encourage people to take action using whatever media relevant and necessary: images, video etc. but also limited-time offers or discounts. Though discounts shouldn't be the only driver...

It's not just about the event marketing team creating FOMO though, it's all of us in our networks that have a role to play and contribute to the overall sense of anticipation and excitement.

FOMO and word of mouth marketing

Perhaps this is where word of mouth or community marketing platforms like Snoball and Gleanin are proving ever more popular and are crucial to be added to the event marketing mix.

These sorts of word of mouth platforms enable event registrants to quickly and easily share an event with their network, creating a FOMO-driven ripple effect.

As more and more people within a network register for the event, it creates a sense of urgency and anticipation that encourages others to take action - this is the true power of FOMO!

FOMO only works if you create an amazing event experience.

The bottom line is that FOMO can be an effective tool in the event marketer’s arsenal, but it all starts with understanding your audience and creating an experience that they won't want to miss.

And next year... I'm gonna see if I can get out to PCMA to join the fun!


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