Can content creation on a budget really be done?

Creating engaging content for your business can be a daunting task when you’re on a budget. With costs increasing for everything, it can feel like an uphill battle to create quality content without breaking the bank.

Don't despair—it is possible to create engaging content without going over budget! Let’s dive into some tips and tricks that can help you create great content without exceeding your allocated funds.

Brainstorming sessions

Brainstorming is one of the best ways to get ideas flowing and bring people together. The best part about brainstorming sessions is that they are free! For me if I'm looking for ideas for myself, I plug in a podcast and get out for a walk or a run. Within a few minutes, the ideas will quickly begin to flow.

Tap into your team

If you have a team, they often have unique skills and knowledge that can add value to your content creation efforts. Tap into their expertise by having them contribute to blog posts or other pieces of content. Not only will this give you access to unique insights, but it will also help engage employees by showing them exactly how their contributions make a difference in the company.

Reuse Existing Content

You don’t always have to start from scratch when creating content—sometimes it pays off to reuse existing materials in new ways. For example, if you have an email newsletter that has been getting good engagement rates, repurpose those emails into blog posts or social media updates.

This can save time as well as money since you don’t need to write something completely new every single time.

What are people asking for

If you're not an SEO expert, or don't have someone able to help, I sometimes start at Answer the Public. Answer the public has a free resource which takes your keyword, and provides you with a list of questions people are asking around that subject, turning them into helpful phrases and questions people are asking around a given subject. Give it a go here.

These can be great for content ideas, as well as helping you to optimise the way you're writing your content.

Content creation on a budget doesn't have to be difficult! By allowing yourself the freedom to dream (or think!), tapping into your teams expertise, and reusing existing materials in new ways, you can create engaging content without having to spend a huge amount of budget.

Of course, creating great content isn't easy and there are no guarantees that it will yield results - but if done correctly it can absolutely can pay off!

What other tips would you share?

Happy creating - Matt


All content is not created equal.


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