Repurpose Existing Content

The theme this week has been about doing more with less content.

If you're stuck for ideas, you don't always have to come up with a new idea when generating content. You could revisit an old one that maybe didn't perform too well OR one that was amazingly well received and repurpose that content.

You don’t have to come up with new ideas, but you can rehash ones from the past.

What tips should you follow when rehashing content?

1. Focus on the purpose – make sure you’re clear about why you're repurposing the content and what message you want to convey.

2. Make it relevant - If it's been a while since the original post was created, look for ways to update your content so that it is still timely and relevant.

3. Leverage existing data – use the analytics behind the original post to see what worked and what didn’t and make sure you leverage that data in your new content. For example if a particular link in the text performed higher than others, perhaps include that with new content wrapping it up.

4. Add something new - don't just copy and paste old content, add something fresh so readers don't feel like they're seeing the same thing over and over. This can be anything from a new example, an updated statistic, or just a different angle on the topic.

5. Update visuals - include new images or videos to accompany the content. This will help make it feel more fresh and give readers something extra to look at.

6. Utilize different content formats - when repurposing content, consider using different formats like videos, podcasts and interactive content. This can help draw in more readers as it provides something new and exciting for them to engage with. For example, if the original post was a blog post, try turning it into a vlog by chatting with others that may input to the original piece.

7. Remake your social content - it’s not just the main article that can be remade. Have a look at new angles on the social content shared - perhaps a juicer headline or if there is a trending topic in your long form article, repost that content on social media.

Repurposing old content can be an effective way of generating more content with less effort, but you need to make sure that the content remains relevant to your target audience and adds value.

The tips provided in this article are just the beginning of what you can do when repurposing content. There are countless ways to make your content unique and engaging while still rehashing old ideas. Experiment with different approaches and have fun – you never know what amazing things you may come up with!

If you want a hand rehashing your content - you know where we are.


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