Beach Team Bonding 2023

My daily blog posts on a Friday have been a bit more personal than work. Today is no different...

Do you want to have a go at lifesaving activities with your team in 2023?

Through the pandemic, I and a number of other local adults personally had to perform some sort of life-saving activity at our local beach, due to the lack of lifeguards in lockdown. Some of them were pretty scary to be honest.

Skipping over the details of those incidents, instead of complaining about it for months on end, we decided that we had to do something about it, so we did.

We launched the Saltdean Swim & Surf Club charity (affiliated to Surf Life Saving Great Britain) to help educate our community about the importance of sea safety (and our surrounding environment) as well as the many many benefits that learning lifesaving techniques can offer - fitness, team building and leadership as well as building greater confidence not just in the sea, but in life for many of our members.

To continue to deliver our mission, this year we are looking for teams to join us for a corporate day by the beach in 2023. Not only will you and your team have an awesome day by the beach, have a go at lifeguarding skills (playing on rescue boards, having a go at rescuing your boss (or not....#awks) and enjoy some team bonding, these days will also to help us further grow our charity, provide additional training opportunities and workshops but most importantly begin to build the very important foundations of a safer sea environment for all.

So if you're looking for a way to bond with your team and do something TOTALLY different in 2023 with your team, drop me a line.

We live in a world with an ever-changing environment, which requires us to be more alert and conscious about our surroundings.

By pushing your boundaries, trying something new and working together with your team, these sessions will give you a chance to recharge, open your minds and work together for a refreshed approach to business in 2023.

If you're interested, drop me a DM.


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