Why is everyone jumping off about AI replacing content creation?

With the recent boom of apps like Chat GPT, it's easy to think we're being taken over by bots (well, maybe we are... but...)

Whilst yes, there is still a lot to be learned and improved on in the models, we perhaps need to think of these types of products as just tools helping a professional do their job.

For example:

  • No one kicked off about Grammarly - it's been helping writers for years

  • You don't have a go at a designer for using Photoshop - some of the shortcuts speed up design tenfold

  • We're all designers with Canva now - I'm not complaining

  • Anyone can produce a great podcast - magic mastering has helped up the sound game

  • Sales teams aren't whining about AI-powered insight from Salesforce

I am absolutely not saying these tools are perfect. Nor am I saying AI will take over all forms of content creation, marketing, design or otherwise!

It's more likely AI will continue to be integrated into some human-led processes. It can help free up time, speed up production and create smarter campaigns such as just a few of the examples I shared above.

AI isn't replacing us - it's helping us do our jobs better

AI is here and in use by many organizations already and can make our lives easier and more productive, it's not replacing us - instead complimenting what we do and helping us to continue creating great content with less manual effort.

Just like say Photoshop to a designer, AI content writing tools such as Jasper or Grammarly are just another set of tools helping content creators do their job more efficiently and effectively.

It's not replacing your creativity, it's simply giving you a helping hand to create the best content, faster. And for me, that's what it comes down to - time. You can far more efficiently create and edit an article, for instance, allowing you more time to focus on other business needs.

AI downloads your brain

Platforms like Chat GPT actually tell you what you already know or potentially help you speed up that initial stage of research and I've got to be honest, the results are pretty good.

Here's the screenshot.

Now I don't think these are perfect, so they need some tweaking, but, I already know these (and lots more to be fair) things to consider when looking at lead retrieval - but, it took me about 30 seconds to get this kind of output. I can then spend a bit of time personalising it and putting some examples into the content.

Yes, we need to be wary of bias on AI, I've written a blog about AI content not being created equal here, but ensure the highest quality and readability, it's imperative that human input and output checking is part of your routine content management process.

So why the outcry when it comes to AI and content creation?

Maybe we're scared of what this means for our jobs - if machines can do the same job we can, does that mean our skills aren’t sought after anymore? The truth is, probably not.

AI will never be able to match the creativity of a human (yet anyway). There is no replacement for originality and the ability to produce fresh ideas - things only the human mind can do (currently...).

AI can help with formatting, copy checking, research etc., but it will never be able to come up with those amazing concepts that rely on our own experiences and knowledge. Machines are made to learn… not to think.

So don't worry, your skills are still very much needed! AI and content creation can be a great partnership for success - it just needs to be used in the right way.

Let me know what you think!


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