Event Tech Awards - Judge

I'm stoked to be on the award's judge panel with some awesome event's industry experts for the upcoming Event Technology Awards - The People.

Now in its second year, this awards event honours today's exceptional tech leaders and their teams who demonstrate ground breaking innovations, creative solutions to traditional problems, and exemplary best practices.

Enter the awards here

What's the point of entering awards?

Awards are a funny one, some people don't bother "wasting their time" on entering them. I get it, it takes time and quite often the hardest problem with compiling quality awards entries is getting the right statistics or client / partner quotes to complete your awesome story.

There's also the wonder of are they worth it - the time / cost of entry vs what you get out the other side.

On large scale businesses it further establishes yourself as the "go to" in whatever market you may be serving or crowd you're delivering to. We see it time and time again on a lot of trade and consumer shows with how they use the award as a part of their marketing to showcase to their potential audience (and sponsors) that they are a quality show worth participating in.

For larger suppliers a similar rule applies - "look at us and how good we continue to be"

For smaller companies where often time is even more precious as many people work across many tasks, it can be an even bigger challenge to find the time to put together a strong awards entry.

But often it pays off.

That time is time well spent (if you win of course) as your peers, customers and other industry professionals get to know you better, giving you additional recognition and helping raise your profile in the market place. It also allows you to showcase what makes you different from those around you, if you turn your awards entry into quality content post ceremony.

That award win, is a great opportunity to show off what you do best and make valuable connections in your industry.

It’s all about the people

ESPECIALLY when it comes to your team.

To be honest, most award wins are due to a lot of time and effort put in by multiple people in your teams. We know a successful event doesn’t just happen with one person, so isn’t it great to recognise everyone’s achievement?

People-based awards are a great way to show how much you appreciate the long hours, days and nights your team has pulled in delivering a great event either supplier or organizer side. Often underrecognized (publicly), when one of your team wins a prestigious award it shows them you care - as you spent time putting the award together - and will help elevate them in their career.

Of course there's the potential they may get poached, but that's a whole other article. Instead of worrying about that, celebrate their success, show the industry how proud you are of what they've achieved and they may just stick around a bit longer ;)

So in short yes, awards are worth it - especially if you win (obvs)!

Good luck to all those entering the Event Technology Awards - The People and thank you for your commitment to continuing to raise the bar in our industry. Here's to an awesome 2023 with many award wins.


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